Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!
So claimed the White Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass when Alice complained of the impossibility of the world into which she had...
Value or Risk?
Valuation and risk analysis are distinct concepts that are sometimes confused. There is an interdependence between the two, but...
A Distinction without a Difference?
Anyone who has spent time in standard setting will know that myth is often more powerful than fact among the intended users of any...
Valuation: Does it have a Future?
One of the major challenges that the IVSC continues to face in gaining global acceptance of its standards is the reluctance of much of...
The Wealth of Nations - does anyone have a clue?
Adam Smith first postulated the concept of Gross Domestic Product as a measure of national wealth 240 years ago, but the means of...
Square Peg Found in Round European Hole.
Earlier this month the European Commission was advised by one of its supervisory authorities to change a regulation that would otherwise...
Fair is Sometimes Unfair, Even in Paradise:
Readers familiar with the International Valuation Standards (IVSs) will be aware that they contain a different definition of “fair value”...
Watch Out, There’s a Regulator About
Anyone involved in providing valuation advice will put great store on their freedom to come to an independent opinion. To a large extent...
What makes a good valuer?
Aswath Damordoran, Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, makes some interesting comments about the...
Grasping the Intangible
In recent years demand for the valuation of intangible assets has grown significantly. This is partly in response to the...